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About me

I'm Tahmina and I'm a

Currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics at CUNY Hunter College. I also like reading books and listening to foreign music. Every interaction I have, I receive it with an open mind willing to listen, understand, learn, and share experiences with others. I consider myself a lifelong learner motivated to grow, excel and use my knowledge to better the lives of others through the power of technology.

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My Projects

Built a full stack CRUD application using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Redux, Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL. It’s a clone of ‘CUNY First’ website.

Built a web application using JavaScript, React, Redux, Node.js, Express, firebase and Machine Learning to help the NYC public dispose of their recycling.

Built a full-Stack web application that offers a Table Tennis program to NYC schools by using React, Bootstrap, JavaScript, SQL, PG Admin, and Postman

Built a front-end application in React that simulates a banking website. Has features such as login, user profile, and debit and credit menu

Used Java to build out a flashcard app, where the user can create and display multiple-choice questions and build in logic to show the answer.

Built a hare and tortoise competition program using object-oriented programming in C++

built a game where play progresses to the next turn after a correct guess. User loses the game after an incorrect guess

Built a logic and problem game using arrow keys to move the tiles. When two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into one tile with same number they summed to one.

My skills

My creative skills & experiences.

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React 70%
JavaScript 80%
C++ 80%
Python/C#/SQL 60%

My experiences

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Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dignissimos harum corporis fuga corrupti. Doloribus quis soluta nesciunt veritatis vitae nobis?

Tahmina Munni
Queens, New York
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